So glad I'm not the only one with a reading/information gathering addiction. Lol. I subscribed to both of your recommendations. Thanks🤣 I'm also wholly terrified at the spread of the Christo fascists😬 I'm in Texas so I pay lots of attention to them here. Their latest offering is insane.


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You're an illiterate moron. You are too dumb to be considered human.

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Of course an illiterate libyenzi would be so stupid as to have a problem with Carl Schmitt. Schmitt is read and his work is respected as a critique of liberalism (the actual meaning of the word "liberalism") by people across the left, right, and center. Liberals (american conservatives and american liberals) read Schmitt, leftists read Schmitt, hell I'm in a Marxist reading group right now that is reading Schmitt! There is no such thing as "Schmittian politics", moron, Schmitt was *describing* how liberal politics (again, for the illiterates: this does not mean "democrats", it refers to classical liberalism) functions in the real world. Of course, the conservatives are *also* missing this point, but whatever. Are all libturds just stupid and illiterate? Is that why they vote for Biden? Because they can't read?

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Get bent🖕🤡🤣

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3

You can't read. You are illiterate. You, and your family, would be outside of the protection of law if we lived in a just society. There would be nothing that could be done to you which would be considered a crime.

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